Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Poster Design

My next objective was to create the poster design for the 'Fresh Festival'. For the poster I had four objectives I wanted to use to create the best outcome as possible. The first was creating a simple design, I did this by firstly displaying the main information on the page along with the logo design, so that I was able to move two blocks around the page to create the perfect setup to start from. To the left is the way I did this and my first steps of creating the poster. My final selection for the placement is the piece with the tick on, I chose this design because of the way the viewer can start at the top of the page and work their eye down while they take in the right information about the festival.
This then took me onto the next of my objectives which is clear information and messages. I did this by making the rectangle block of text so that it makes it easier to read.
The colours I have used for the design have come from the background, which is Parker's Piece, where the festival will take place. This then transfers into the text which makes up the fourth objective which is to make the whole piece fluid linking into the theme and the logo design. I believe that this poster has been a success because of the information it shows the customer however still has the same artist influences that I have been inspired by the 'smooth festival' and also artists like Micahel English with the smooth colours in the bottom of the poster.

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